Slepý Hugo
Je variantou hry | Domino |
Počet hráčů | 2-4 |
Doporučený věk | 6 |
Varianta Domina oblíbená mezi dětmi, protože je jednoduchá.
Potřebná sada na domino: 28 kousků
Po zamíchání domina si každej hráč vezme jeden kousek, aby se rozhodlo, kdo začne; vítěz je ten s nejtěžšim kouskem. Tůty kousky jsou pak vrácený mezi ostatní a znovu zamícháný. Každej hráč si pak vybere svoje kousky. V následujícim kole se úrvní hráš točí nalevo. Počet kousků, který se berou závisí na poštu hráčů:
- 2 hráčí berou 14 kousků každej
- 3 hráčí berou 9 kousků každej (s poslednim kouskem automaticky pro začátek hry)
- 4 hráčí berou7 kousků každej
Title are drawn and arranged out before the player, face-down and edge-to-edge, to form a long row or column. The players must decide among themselves how to arrange their tiles, and in what order to play them. For example, they may decide to create a long row, played left-to-right. In this case, the left-most tile is the "first" domino, and the right-most tile is the "last" domino.
Kousky musí zůstat hlavnou dolů, nekoukat!
The first player turns over his first domino and places it in the center of the table. He then turns over his second tile, and plays it if he can. He continues to turn them over as long as he can make a play. As soon as he encounters a tile he can't play, he turns it back over and moves it to the end of this row. If the tile happens to be a double, he leaves it face-up.
The turn passes to the next player, who plays in exactly the same manner, turning over his tiles in order, playing as long as he can, and putting an unusable tile into the last position.
Konec hry
A game ends either when a player plays all his tiles, or when a game is blocked (no more plays are possible). If the game is blocked, then the winner is the player having the fewest dots (or the "lightest hand").
Jiný způsoby
- A player may choose to play one of his exposed doubles, rather than the first tile in his row.
- Play only one domino per turn, rather than allowing a player to continue as long as he's able.
- The first double is a spinner (can be played on all four edges).
- Rather than turning over tiles in order, allow the players to select tiles of their choosing. If played in this manner, gameplay becomes a memory exercise, and less a game of chance, since you'll be able to make optimal plays if you can only remember what tiles are in which location in your hand.
- popisuje hru s míň kouskama vytaženýma na začátku.
Jiné zdroje ke Slepému Hugovi